Wednesday, October 20, 2021

History of Edison

 Edison International traces its origins back to July 4, 1886. On that day, the partnership of Holt and Knupp (which later became the Visalia Electric Light and Gas Company) first used a steam engine fueled by cord wood to power brilliant arc lights during Visalia's evening 4th of July celebrations.

Edison began his career as an inventor in Newark, New Jersey, with the automatic repeater and his other improved telegraphic devices, but the invention that first gained him wider notice was the phonograph in 1877.

Our History | Edison International

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

AC/DC power

 What Is AC Power? Alternating current (AC) power is the standard electricity format that comes out of outlets. ... As the electrons in an AC wave move, they can move in a positive direction, which corresponds to the upward part of the sinusoidal wave created by the current.

ART 9V AC Power Adapter 100-1500-104 B&H Photo Video

Direct Current (DC) Power refers to the unidirectional flow of electrons and is the form of power that is most commonly produced by sources such as solar cells and batteries.

How to Build a DC Power Supply

Monday, October 18, 2021

Metro Gold Line

 pipe laid, graded the pathway for said pipe, Backfilling over open plots composting too

Metro Gold Line expansion video

Destinantion: Pomona to Montclair

Price: $1.85 Billlion 

Week 8

  1. Get dirt for planter
  2. Build planter farm
  3. continued yo build proper frame and get dirt
  4. got compost and dirt to finish planter
  5.  ate pancakes and waffles

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Word Search

 Insulation - the action of insulating something.

 5 Types of Insulation for Your Garage

Lumber - Wood

Op-Ed: Is burning wood for power carbon-neutral? Not a chance - Los Angeles  Times

City - A large town

Houston named rudest city in Texas, according to one travel site

Money - Currency 

Millennial Money: Befriend your money and reap the benefits

Floor - what you stand on

Local Flooring Showroom-The Floor Store- 2nd & Paseo Del Norte

Friday, October 1, 2021

Week 6

 Monday: Scale draw RM 13 to scale

Tuesday: Use dimensions from yesterday to scale drawing of RM 13

Wednesday: Const - outside helping in garden Comp - Youtube .2 mp5

Thursday - Const - outside cont. in garden

Friday - Farm (all) weekly journal 

Farm Photos